CherrySwap Reaches Merger Deal with Rollup.FinanceWe are proud to announce that CherrySwap has completed a merger deal with Rollup.Finance , which will allow us to work together to enhance…Dec 9, 2023Dec 9, 2023
CherrySwap will launch Lottery soonCherrySwap will officially launch Lottery on August 4th at 6 pm (HKT), and start the “Double Destruction Plan”. That is, when 20% of the…Aug 1, 20215Aug 1, 20215
IFO Test Activity TutorialParticipate in the IFO of testnet to grab the whitelist qualification of first phase IFO of mainnet!Apr 7, 20213Apr 7, 20213
Participate in the IFO of testnet to grab the whitelist qualification of first phase IFO of mainnet!Participate in the IFO of testnet to grab the whitelist qualification of first phase IFO of mainnet!Apr 7, 20211Apr 7, 20211
New progress!New progress! We have completed the review of the first project that applied for IFO, which will be launched on the first IFO of…Apr 6, 20211Apr 6, 20211
CherrySwap has officially settled in the HyperPay wallet.According to the official news, CherrySwap has officially launched DAPP of HyperPay wallet. Users can participate in the product testing…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Statement on matters related to the airdrop round 2 . By the way, round 3 is on the way.Unfortunately, due to some objective reasons, our second airdrop ended in advance, and there are many questions and dissatisfaction in the…Mar 22, 20213Mar 22, 20213